Benign Breast Conditions

Benign breast conditions include fibroadenomas, cysts, and fibrocystic changes. These are non-cancerous anomalies which might have been felt by you or your GP, or found incidentally on imaging scans. After diagnosis is confirmed, these can often be observed, however treatment can be undertaken if they are bothersome.

Inflammatory breast conditions, such as mastitis and abscesses, can lead to redness, swelling, and pain. Mastitis is often an infection, requiring antibiotics, while abscesses may need drainage to relieve discomfort.

Chronic Granulomatous Mastitis is a form of mastitis which is recurrent and can be distressing and disfiguring. It is difficult to diagnose and treat. Dr George has a special interest in this, and offers on site ultrasound and specialised treatment to help diminish its effects.


Case Example

What can I expect after breast surgery: Every individual case varies, however return to routine activities is expected and encouraged. Pain is manageable with tablet analgesia if required. The final cosmesis will depend on the nature of the surgery. This is an example of healing two weeks after minimally invasive lumpectomy

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